October 3, 2008


Since I posted this morning I have been thinking of one item on my list of what to do more of: prayer.

I have not been an intentional, deliberate, continual pray warrior. I pray, but not necessarily throughout the day, as I see needs, as I think of things that should be brought before my Father's throne. I do not think often enough of getting alongside Jesus and talking to Him prayerfully. I just do not do it nearly enough, it has not become second nature to me. And it should be first nature.

A team from my church is leaving for a short term mission trip to India today. My wife and I have the privilege to be on the prayer team for the trip. I ask God for the spiritual strength to do so boldly and faithfully over the next 8 days. Prayer is a form of support and service that I have not focused on to the extent I should.

I believe in the power of prayer. I probably need prayer in order for me to become more prayerful. So today I am praying that the mission team makes a safe journey, uses the time to prepare their hearts for service to the Lord in the upcoming week, that the hearts of those they will meet are ready to hear the good news of Jesus and the team brings glory to His name in love and unity.

And prayer in my life not just for this upcoming week, but in my life more richly going forward.

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