January 12, 2009

Sometimes It Works

And sometimes it does not. I am talking about my IntenseDebate comment system. Sometimes the comments come through on it, sometimes the come in the old Blogger system and once in a very rare while I get an email notification, read the comment, but see it nowhere connected to the blog post.

I am done trying to figure it out. I am getting comments somehow and am able to respond to most as necessary. I installed IntenseDebate using their widget process, so it was pretty basic. But I did something wrong.

The Social Mediot strikes again.

But I am done worrying about. Hey, classes start Wednesday, I got reading to do and paper topics to reflect upon. I am involved in a few ministries and that is more productive and satisfying than sitting here trying not to blow up mt Blogger template.

Someday I will sit down with someone who actually knows how to do all this stuff and clean up anything that needs cleaning. Some day the courage of man will fail him. But today is not that day. (OK, I got that from LOTR-Return of the King, the movie not the book.)

Until then, the Social Mediot rides high. And that height is matched by the depth of his obliviousness.