March 5, 2009

Lasting Prayer

Yesterday I wrote about being able to engage in deeper, more meaningful prayer. Then at seminary we had a prayer chapel in anticipation of the World Evangelization Conference we are having next week. So it was a bunch of people all praying together for evangelism efforts and ministry around the world. I guess that was why it was on my heart yesterday.

It made me think that not only did I want deeper prayer, that which I called fasting prayer, but I also want longer prayer, for things that would stay on my heart and in my mind.

Lasting prayer.

I want it to be heartfelt and soulfelt. I want to it be with me through the day so it brings me back to Him on a regular basis to talk, to ask for intercession, to seek His voice and His guidance.

Deep and longlasting. A serious antedote to the pain of this world.

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