March 1, 2009

A Blog About Nothing

So I sat here and realized I had nothing to talk about. I also realized I had not missed a day of posting a blog entry since late September, so the streak was coming to an end. Then I thought, why not talk about the fact that I had nothing to talk about today? I had nothing I had to get out, nothing to get off my chest and onto the screen. A blog about nothing.

(OK, I borrowed the idea form the Seinfeld story arc about a show about nothing. Let's face it, those guys knew what they were doing. Pure genius. But after all Jerry and I graduated the same college, he a year before I. No I didn't know him them. Still don't. Some things never change. Regrets? I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention).

So, I am about done saying nothing.

How did I do?

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