September 29, 2008

His Hand

I had lunch with a friend a few days ago and he made a very interesting observation. He felt that when things are going on around you, things are going on in your life that make no logical sense, you can pretty much chalk it up to the hand of God. Only He can make things work when all makes no sense.

I think there is a lot of truth to that. God is in control of everything, and when things make no sense to us, it is because we are not aligned with God's will, that we do not see clearly (or at all) what His will and purposes are accomplishing.

My reading in Chambers this morning brought that lunch conversation back to me. "We are inclined to forget the deeply spiritual and supernatural touch of God." God is working in our lives, we do not always acknowledge it, we do not often see it until after the fact.

I look at what is going on in the U.S. today, the polarization around the election, the talk of political choices having consequences for the future direction of our country that we have not faced in previous elections; the deep seated issues in the economy that have been building for years. I think God is moving in our lives. To what end I do not know.

The people of God have often felt the hand of God in their lives. They have often ignored it, even when Jesus, God incarnate walked the earth.

The people of God have often felt the hand of God in their lives. It has often been unpleasant, because of the correction He needed to give us. Just read about the nation of Israel in the Old Testament.

God is moving in our lives today, but I am afraid not too many are listening.


Laurie M. said...

"...when things are going on around you, things are going on in your life that make no logical sense, you can pretty much chalk it up to the hand of God."

I read that this morning, before the cat painted my house. Even as it was happening, I knew, somehow, God had a purpose in it. Knowing that gave me mercy for the cat, and strength to handle the mess. Not that I enjoyed it.

Ancoti said...

We do not always enjoy what it is good for us to experience. In my case, it is usually because He is chipping away something that needs to go; and that process is often painful as I do not want to let go of the fragments chipped off my life.