February 13, 2009

Your Cost

"...it cost Him but a word to create the worlds, but to redeem a sinner's soul cost Him all that He had..."
Marcus Rainsford - Our Lord Prays For His Own

A simple set of words, not even a complete sentence in the book, but they hit me hard. It took more on God's part to redeem me than to create everything. And yet He loves me enough to do it.

It took more to redeem me as a sinner than to create everything that has ever been created. I can only licve with that because He has forgiven me and brings me into His rest, His joy.

If you ever think yourself worthy of God's redeeming grace, just think about the cost, greater than the universe, for Him to give it to you.

If you ever think yourself unworthy of God's redeeming grace, just think of His love, which measures even greater than the cost to do so.

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