February 9, 2009

Would You Have Known Him

Would you have known Him
As He walked to your doom?
A life given over,
Just a man, but much more.
A piercing light
In the sinful gloom.

Would you have known Him
As He staggered by?
Beaten and bloodied
Footsteps on cold stone
Leaving no impression
Yet making His mark
Death a shouted cry.

Would you have known Him
As He Crossed your path?
Would you felt the power
Hidden from the crowd?
Could you have borne His burden?
Could you face God's wrath?

Would you have known Him
Been glad or fully ashamed?
Knowing you could never
Make the sacrifice He did.
Do you tremble with awe or dread
At the coming of His reign?

A. Coticchio February 2009

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