Must Reads: Books I want to constantly and consistently read:
- The Bible – NET translation
- The Bible – NASB translation
I like working with two versions of the bible, as I study passages I find it enhances and deepens the study. These are my two favorite. I truly believe you need to be in the Word everyday and I try to do that.
First Reads: Books I want to read in no apparent order if I can find the time (Have you ever seen the class reading lists from a seminary course?):
- Who Moved the Stone? – Frank Morison
- Systematic Theology - Lewis Sperry Chafer (yes, all 8 volumes)
- Spurgeon's Sermons –Spurgeon (yes, all 10 volumes)
- Calvin's Commentaries – Calvin (yes, all 22 volumes)
- The Way of the Heart - Henri Nouwen
- Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God – J I Packer
- They Like Jesus But Not The Church: Insights from Emerging Generations - Dan Kimball
- Halftime Changing Your Game Plan from Success to Significance – Bob Buford
- The Sky Is Falling: Leaders Lost in Transition - Alan J. Roxburgh
- Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways to Make a Difference - Matthew Emerzian
- Five Views on Sanctification - Hoekema/McQuilkin/ Walvoord
- The Canon of Scripture – Bruce (This one is recommended, not required reading in one of my upcoming courses, so I will probably read it, one way or another)
These are books that have been recommended either by someone I know or someone I read. I want to get to these when the seminary reading load is at a lull, if and when that occurs.
Should Reads: Books I have bought in the past and haven't had a chance to read but know I should:
- This is an embarrassing list.
- I have a shelf of books, probably two dozen or so, that I bought with every intention of reading but then another book came along that I got interested in first. (Oh, look at the shiny new book; I think I need to read it). Sometimes I bought them in a small cluster, like they were grapes instead of books. I cannot begin to tell you the perils of a Barnes & Noble gift card in the hands of a budding bibliophile. (Oh, look. A store full of shiny books!)
- There are too many books to list out. It includes people like Packer, Sproul, Walvoord, Begg, Van Til, Bruce, Lutzer, MacArthur to name a few. And that does not include the Spurgeon, Calvin and Chafer volumes I mentioned above.
- I am a mess, literary (or is it literally?) speaking.
Need Reads: Books I want to reread if I can find the time (After I get through seminary reads, "First Reads" and "Should Reads" above):
- The Way of the Shepherd – Leman/Pentak
- Life Together – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- The Cost of Discipleship – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- The Imitation of Christ- Thomas a Kempis
- The Confessions – St. Augustine ( I have this in a free audio book, thanks to a great blog; Boomer in the Pew.)
- The Pursuit of God – A W Tozer
- Romans – Martin Luther
These are books I read that I really enjoyed, or think I did but didn't understand them well enough to be sure. On second thought, I might have to look at this category along with the Must Read. (After all, I did name it Need Read).
I am sure you could all recommend truly interesting, informative and entertaining books. I do not think I want you too, because the list has already taken on hydra-like qualities. (Oh, look at the shiny new book).
Take Holsteen for theology and you'll be reading Chafer. Actually, I enjoy Chafer. Long, paragraphs, really long, but he has a "go get 'em style" that is refreshing. I may not always agree, but I like his passion.
Welcome to Dallas!
Thanks for your insights and encouragement. i am looking forward to DTS for the next three years.
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