January 29, 2010

A Lesser Burden

"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:30 (NASB)
Good words to keep in mind. Especially after a long day worrying about, well, worrying about the worries of the world.I find that the more I focus on and worry about the things that can go wrong in my day to day activities, the less I am seeking the Lord. He took the burdens of the world upon himself to free us up for the joys of the next world. I am not as faithful to Him as I need be when I am worrying about stuff, especially stuff I have no control over.

Yesterday I spent some time with a friend who lives his life for the Lord in the work that he does. He doesn't focus on where the money is going to come from. The Lord provides, and does so with a sufficiency and in a manner that makes it clear it is His doing. And my friend is a better person for relying on Him, and does better in the work he is led to do as a result. Better at living in the will of the Lord, with the light burden of relying on Him only, not on self or on others.

One can spend one's life thinking following the Lord is the more difficult path and resisting doing so. Or one can embrace His will and His way and live more joyfully as a result. Because you know how it ends, and the end is the beginning of a blissful existence in the presence of He who created all.

So here's to shouldering the lesser burden, of trusting the rest to Jesus. And to coming to the realization of how much joy there can be in doing so.