June 28, 2008

People I like, if you happen to be in the neighborhood

Well, both people and organizations that I like. As I move down the road (the name of my blog is a result of my musing on Matthew 7:13-14), I find myself privileged to meet really great groups of people who have true heart for the Lord. Here are some of them:

  • Telos Bible Church . My good buddy and first pastor, Bernard Bourque is the senior pastor here, and if you are ever in Branson, MO looking for a place to get some great bible teaching, here it is

  • Kanakuk Institute . Another friend, Keith Chancey, started this organization, and if you want to meet a fantastic group of men and women, recent college grads, with tremendous heart to serve the Lord, check them out

  • Evantell . The Gospel. Clear and Simple. I cannot say enough about what Larry Moyer and his team do here. Focused, direct and clearly having eyes on Jesus, and Him alone

  • NeedHim. Maybe you have seen or heard their advertising. If you ever need someone to talk to about your faith, they have volunteers staffing the phones around the clock. Drew Dickens and team do a super job

  • 121 Community Church . My home church. Where I go to be refreshed everyweek in the word of God. If you are near DFW airport some Sunday morning, stop by and visit, hear Ross Sawyers preach and teach.

Why do I mention these organizations? Like I said, I like the people. Also, we need to recognize, we need to acknowledge the community from which we get encouragement, from which we gain affirmation, from which we draw strength for the daily battle. These are some of the people who have made my walk on that narrow path a little easier to navigate over the past few years. I want to thank them, I want to tell them to keep doing what they are doing.

I could make this journey without people like them and finish, for I have the Lord by my side. But the trip would not be as rich if it is devoid of community like this. I encourage you to think about the community that surrounds you, to affirm and celebrate it. There is no need to make your own journey alone.

The Road Goes Ever On and On

"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can..."

J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

This is the initial entry of my blog, and my first attempt in the world of blogs. I feel the road of my life is moving forward, and I need to follow it closely and quickly. The above from Tolkien, one of my favorite authors, (another being God, the creative genius and inspiration behind my favorite book(s), known as the Bible), has always been one of my favorite passages of fiction. And I think it sums up the approach to the journey I fee the Lord has recently put me on.

Recently retired, I am now attending Dallas Theological Seminary pursuing a Masters in Biblical Studies. Pursuing is such an apt term, it remains to be seen if I actually catch a degree in three or four years.

I look to use this blog to record my musings on that journey, as well as what ministry efforts I find myself in over that time. Not to be too ambitious at the start, this will probably be a blog wth a weekly entry at first. Let's see if I actually have something interesting or of import to say before I go much further.

I am in my 50's (how far in I might tell you later in life), the world of the internet, blogging and social networking does not come as second nature to me, but I am probably farther along than most of my peers, age-wise peers that is.

So what does a retired business executive (finance) and budding seminarian have to say to the world? I do not have a clue yet. I probably need a nap this afternoon (retiree naps rock!) to start sorting this out. But I promise to start seriously thinking about it.

More to come...